Monday, 16 March 2015
Evaluation - Question 1
Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of media product?
Evaluation - Question 3
Q. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Evaluation - Question 7
Q. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Question 1
Question 2 - Ana Maria
Evaluation Question 2.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Question 3 - Ana Maria
Q. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Question 6 -Ana Maria
Q. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During the time we spent building up and creating this film, i have learnt a lot to do with different technologies.
Such as; Garage band, Final cut pro, ClipGrab and Audio convertor.
Whilst creating and editing the films title sequence on Garage band, i've learnt multiple skills on how to make a audio track with ether the tracks that are provided on garage band or with tracks i have found online ( Youtube). it was easy learning how to use the sound tracks that are provided the part i found difficult would be when combing the tracks that are provide with tracks that you have found using the internet, as for this you have to know or learn how to use ClipGrab and Audio convertor.
On top of this i also learnt how to preview and use different types of loops and also how to overlap them or just simply use them alone. whilst learning the techniques with looping i also learnt how to fade the audios so they don't clash or sound to harsh at the endings.
Although i used ClipGrab and Audio convertor for Garage band, you could also use it on Final cut pro. they are also use to transfer a type of media such as a video, from youtube to your creations on Final cut Pro. whilst using and watching Daniel use Final cut pro i learnt how to make short or long films. i learnt how to cut and expand video and also how to combine to clips or shots to make a video or a short film. to do this we learnt how to use techniques such as 'match cuts' this is when you have to shots on following the other so it shows a action in action. for example a boy kicking the ball and then seeing the ball hit the hall or whatever. to do tho we had to make sure that there was no grabs that would make the title sequence have any blank screen seconds.
During the time we spent building up and creating this film, i have learnt a lot to do with different technologies.
Such as; Garage band, Final cut pro, ClipGrab and Audio convertor.
Whilst creating and editing the films title sequence on Garage band, i've learnt multiple skills on how to make a audio track with ether the tracks that are provided on garage band or with tracks i have found online ( Youtube). it was easy learning how to use the sound tracks that are provided the part i found difficult would be when combing the tracks that are provide with tracks that you have found using the internet, as for this you have to know or learn how to use ClipGrab and Audio convertor.
On top of this i also learnt how to preview and use different types of loops and also how to overlap them or just simply use them alone. whilst learning the techniques with looping i also learnt how to fade the audios so they don't clash or sound to harsh at the endings.
Although i used ClipGrab and Audio convertor for Garage band, you could also use it on Final cut pro. they are also use to transfer a type of media such as a video, from youtube to your creations on Final cut Pro. whilst using and watching Daniel use Final cut pro i learnt how to make short or long films. i learnt how to cut and expand video and also how to combine to clips or shots to make a video or a short film. to do this we learnt how to use techniques such as 'match cuts' this is when you have to shots on following the other so it shows a action in action. for example a boy kicking the ball and then seeing the ball hit the hall or whatever. to do tho we had to make sure that there was no grabs that would make the title sequence have any blank screen seconds.
Question 7 - Ana Maria
Q. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Evaluation question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Link to view it via emaze:
Link to view it via emaze:
Evaluation question 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Evaluation question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Evaluation question 4
Who would be the audience for your media product?
Evaluation question 5
How did you attract/address your audience?
Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Evaluation question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Final Cut Pro
Question 7
Evaluation question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Monday, 9 March 2015
Hi guys (Nazmin & Ana)
Good blog so far – 15/B grade.
You have exactly the right idea in what you are writing so far but I think you could improve the level of detail i.e. give a breakdown on specific steps taken in the processes described. In some posts you mention refilming – how did this go? Do you have any documentation of the filming? The detail on how you changed and balanced out your film is good but what about some notes on technical skills developed? Explain what you have learnt so far – what can you do now that you couldn’t do 3 months ago. Try and be as specific and detailed as possible and don’t forget to illustrate with screen grabs etc.
Sunday, 8 March 2015
What I have learnt? - Daniel

Learning to use Final Cut Pro
I have decided to take up the editing role in the group as I was the most familiar with Final cut out of everyone, as I also do film studies. Despite already knowing how to use it, I still managed to learn plenty new things in order to polish our sequence further.
I have greatly developed my ability to match cut which improved the overall flow of the sequence. We made sure to eliminate all continuity errors through change of edit or re-filming if necessary.
I was also taught how to blade by Rebecca. This allowed shots to flow quicker as it eliminated any redundant screen time. This helped us as it was often pointed out that some of our scenes dragged on for too long.
Even though I was not in charge of the making of the titles, I was present throughout their making when Amy was doing them. Although my knowledge here may not be complex as in regarding Final cut, I have learnt some simple features of the program such as: customising font style, special effects, size, etc.
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Group 34 is now done with all the editing, sound and titles for our high school movie 'Colly' :)
We hope everyone enjoys watching it
Interview with cast member- Ana Maria Florez
In this interview, Ana is asked a few questions on whether she thinks if she portrayed her 'princess' like character well in the film.
Friday, 6 March 2015
health check 3 - Dan L
Hi guys (Nazmin & Ana)
Good blog so far – 15/B grade.
You have exactly the right idea in what you are writing so far but I think you could improve the level of detail i.e. give a breakdown on specific steps taken in the processes described. In some posts you mention refilming – how did this go? Do you have any documentation of the filming? The detail on how you changed and balanced out your film is good but what about some notes on technical skills developed? Explain what you have learnt so far – what can you do now that you couldn’t do 3 months ago. Try and be as specific and detailed as possible and don’t forget to illustrate with screen grabs etc.
Final lesson - 06.03.15
In todays lesson Nazmin and I, are putting on the finishing touches to the music and then adding it to the final cut.
We had completed the music last lesson, but we have decided to change the audio that plays over the rich girls(Ana Maria) scenes. the reason for why we have decided to make this change to the music right at the end, is because the audio we originally had for the rich girl, didn't fit her personality and we thought that because of this reason it would have been difficult for the audience to know that she is rich.
As you can see from these images, we found a audio via youtube and now were gonna export it to the garage band to our audio.
We used ClipGrab to download the audio we found via youtube and then we put it into a audio convertor and which then turned it into AIFF file, now that it is a AIFF file it allows us to add it to our audio we are creating on GarageBand.
Editing - Continuity error fix
As we were receiving feedback from Rebecca she pointed out that the shots with Amy throwing the clothes on the floor did not flow as the first shot dragged on for too long. In order to improve continuity I made the shot shorter and now it looks fine.
Adding the production company opening...
To give a lot of credit to the production company who is supporting us financially, I used the app ClipGrab to get the distributer Ident of Paramount from Youtube and placed it at the beginning of the film before any credits appear.
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Realising that titles have the equal durations...
I realised that the titles have unequal duration times which is not common for a high school drama as I have analysed several openings for the research part of this course.
Feedback from Tahsin
While I was blading the shots for smoother action scenes and adding the titles on, Tahsin gave me some constructive criticism
1) She thought that the font was a bit too big and that it takes too much attention away from the actual action behind the titles - I have now made the font smaller
2) She liked the outfits of all the characters- specifically where there is a close up of the goth's necklace and makeup
3) She found that the scene of the main girl throwing her clothes onto the floor did not make sense as the order in which she throws them and where they land do not match up - Daniel has now changed this
4) The colours and movement of the titles really suited a high school movie as they look fun.
1) She thought that the font was a bit too big and that it takes too much attention away from the actual action behind the titles - I have now made the font smaller
2) She liked the outfits of all the characters- specifically where there is a close up of the goth's necklace and makeup
3) She found that the scene of the main girl throwing her clothes onto the floor did not make sense as the order in which she throws them and where they land do not match up - Daniel has now changed this
4) The colours and movement of the titles really suited a high school movie as they look fun.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Dan's feedback on rough cut
1) Get rid of the scene of the close up of Amy's feet as it's too dark
2) Why does Ana get to the college first?
3) Clock time and phone time doesn't make sense. It isn't clear that she decided to ignore her alarm
Rebeccas lesson- adding the titles to the film...
Today, I added the titles from motion onto the film. I had to change the names as some of them appeared more than once which is unusual in a high budget movie. I also learnt how to use the blade tool in final cut pro to ensure the actions flow smoothly.
Todays lesson cont.
In todays lesson, Nazmin and I were finishing off the music for the title sequence and matching it up with the moving images for the title. We did this by placing the movie track onto garage band and then matching the different tracks for each character to it.
Todays lesson 4/03/15
Changes to film while filming...
The feedback we received included that the shot of the rebel and nerd is too short and a shot of the nerd picking up his folders is needed. However, because this is inconvinient as travelling to where we shot it again is far, we found that we should get rid of the rebels scene (who is an actor and not part of our group) and focus on the nerds parts instead. This means that we have start fresh with the nerds clips and filmed him walking to college. Now all the scenes of the characters are equal as we have shortened the scenes of the popular girl and lengthened the scenes with the nerd.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Blog health check 3 - Amy
52 posts at final health check. Although your count is quite high unfortunately your grade has dropped because the most recent posts are just too brief for AS level work (everyone is getting the same feedback on this element of your blog). The most recent posts are purely text-based and don't have any elements of ICT. This affects your grade as using visual methods is a compulsory element of this work. You need to add in some images of you editing - there is a folder on your video drive called 'instant shot' (a folder is coloured purple). It is taking photos of everything you do on final cut every 30 seconds - go through this and select some suitable photos to support your reflection on the editing process.
Also there is no reflection on the rough cut - just the rough cut itself. You must spend some time reflecting on what Dan (teacher) said to you and how you intended to address it.
Generally I'm a bit disappointed with this Amy - you've not done a great deal since the last health check and you are now in danger of not achieving the grade that you are capable of. You MUST spend time this week sorting this out otherwise you are letting yourself down.
Also there is no reflection on the rough cut - just the rough cut itself. You must spend some time reflecting on what Dan (teacher) said to you and how you intended to address it.
Generally I'm a bit disappointed with this Amy - you've not done a great deal since the last health check and you are now in danger of not achieving the grade that you are capable of. You MUST spend time this week sorting this out otherwise you are letting yourself down.
While editing...
After we have acquired all the necessary shots I have put them together and noticed that shots that we have of Vivian (Rebel) and Me (Nerd) are redundant so I decided to get rid of that short scene. As a replacement me and Amy filmed more parts for the nerd so now all the characters have relatively equal screen time, except Amy as she is the main character. This means that the rebel is no longer part of out sequence but I believe we have enough characters anyway.
Editing - Amy's Pictures
During the editing process I have noticed that the shot of Amy's childhood pictures is too dark and not of good quality. She has taken new pictures that look better now which I can use as filler shots in the first scene. This makes the audience connect with the character more as we are learning about her past and childhood.
Final Blog Health Check - Daniel
"48 posts at final health check. Daniel - I'm a bit disappointed with your blog here as you've made little improvement since health check 2 and you don't seem to have taken on board my feedback from health check 2. You've produced barely any individual posts since the last time and are under the minimum blog count. You have until Friday to sort this out otherwise you will get a low grade and this would be a huge shame.
So, to get this sorted out you need to do the following before Friday:
- Create INDIVIDUAL blog posts for your contribution to the editing process. Take screen shots of the editing process and post them along with your own feedback on your contribution.
- Post an INDIVIDUAL blog where you reflect on the feedback that Dan gave you on the rough cut.
You really need to do this as you should be going into the exam with a good grade behind you - remember that this is 50% of your whole AS mark. you can do it but you'll need to make time to do it."
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Planning for refilming nerd's scenes
Since there is a continuity error where the nerd and rebel bump into each other, we have decided to film more scenes of the nerd to fix this and to introduce his character more. We will ensure he has the same props and outfit and that we get plenty of close up shots.
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